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Legal information

PRESIDENT ELECTRONICS is hosted by the company:

2 rue Kellermann BP 80157
59053 Roubaix Cedex 1
The statistics related to the website traffic are collected by Google Analytics, a service of the company Google Inc., whose head office situated at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States.

Protection and processing of personal data

This website respects the privacy of the Internet user and complies with the laws in force on the protection of privacy and individual freedoms.

Personal information about you may be collected during your visit, including:

  • When you post a comment: the site memorizes your e-mail address, the name or pseudonym you specify as well as your IP address;
  • When you send a message via the contact form: the site memorizes your e-mail address, the name or pseudonym you specify as well as your IP address;
  • When you ask to be notified by email of a response to your comment: the site memorizes your email address and your notification choice;
  • When you browse the site, President Electronics uses the Google Analytics statistics tool to collect anonymous information about your browsing;
  • When you subscribe to the newsletter: the site collects your e-mail address and your name, first name or pseudonym (which is then used to personalize the mail).

How is this data secured?

All information that you explicitly send via the website (comments, forms, etc.) is stored on secure host servers, whose contact details appear at the top of the page. These servers are located in France, you can learn more about their infrastructure by visiting the website of our host.


The website also has an SSL certificate (HTTPS browsing) and President Electronics Group takes all possible ...measures to ensuring site security of the site and therefore of the data that is stored there (use of a security plugin, complex and regularly changed passwords).

How is this data processed?

When you transmit information using a form (comments, contact form), the website editor is the only recipient.

This personal data will not be resold to third parties under any circumstances and is used exclusively for the initially intended purpose (e.g. if you have indicated your e-mail address in the contact form, it will be used exclusively to provide you with a response).

The personal data collected by Google Analytics is stored for 14 months. The collected data by the newsletter is stored for the duration of your subscription to the newsletter and an unsubscribe link appears in each email you receive. The data in the comments are kept throughout the life of the President Electronics Group website. Finally, the data sent via the contact form is kept for a year, the time to provide your with an answer and to keep an exchange history if necessary.

In accordance with the provisions of French law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, Internet users have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data which concern them. You can exercise this right through the contact form of the website.


In addition, the President Electronics Group website displays an information banner during your first connection that warns you that cookies are used on the website in order to collect statistics. You can learn more here about how to disable cookies on the websites you visit.


Access to the website and validity of the information

The information contained on this website is for general information purposes and, unless otherwise indicated, its accuracy or reliability should be confirmed by independent verification.

The website is subject to change without notice. Although we endeavor to ensure that the information and notices published on the website are timely and accurate, we do not guarantee in any way that this information or these notices are free from errors or omissions which could be significant. The website cannot be considered as complete or definitive.

Groupe President Electronics cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from access or non-access to this website and the use or reliability of the site or its content.

Intellectual property

All texts, images, downloads and other content elements are – unless otherwise specified – the exclusive property of Groupe President Electronics. They cannot in any case be used without prior written agreement.


External links and affiliation

The President Electronics website may include links to other websites or blogs, including e-commerce websites.

Liability and Comments

Comments are validated prior to publication. Any defamatory or illegal comment in any form whatsoever (racism, insults, incitement to hatred, etc.) will be deleted as soon as the site administrators become aware of it.

By surfing on the site, you acknowledge having fully read these conditions of use. Your visite constitutes acceptance of the previously stated conditions.