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Information on the use of cookies

In order to improve your user experience and to inscrease the quality of services provided by our website president-electronics, we use cookies to provide certain functionalities, to generate statistics, to share the content of the site on social networks and to offer you videos.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file placed on your computer when you visit our website. Its particular purpose is to collect information relating to your browsing and to provide you with personalized services. Cookies are managed by your internet browser. They do not identify you personally or collect your personal data.

Types of used cookies

The website president-electronics uses different types of cookies:

Functional cookies:

Functional cookies allow you to adapt the presentation of the site to the display preferences of your equipment (display resolution, the type of browser and operating system used, language choice...).


Analytical cookies:

Analytical cookies allow us to follow up and analyze the behavior of users on our website (the most visited pages, origin of visits, revisit frequency, reading a newsletter...). The collected data is used to know the user's profile in order to improve the navigation on the site and the services to be provided. For these analyses we use the third-party tool Google Analytics. We invite you to read the privacy policy and the confidentiality rules of this tool.

Third-Party Cookies:

Our site is likely to include third-party applications that allow you to share the content from the site with other people or to share your consultation or your opinion with other people about our site content. Example: "Share" buttons of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.
These applications can also allow you to watch videos hosted by YouTube or other such services. These services generate their own cookies, we invite you to consult the privacy policies of these applications in order to be aware of the purposes of use, particularly advertising.

How to activate or disable cookies?

You can accept or refuse cookies by modifying the settings of your internet browser. Please note that if you fully or partially disable cookies, your browsing on our site may be limited and some features may be inaccessible. Settings management is different depending on the browsers.
It is described in the help menu and lets you know how to modify your cookies preferences. Here are the help pages for:


Pre-cookie consent

It is considered that the user agrees to the cookies deposit if he continues to browse by clicking on an element of the site such as an image, a title, a button, etc. or by visiting any page other than the page though which he accessed the site at his first connection.
The agreement is valid only for a period of 13 months from the first deposit. Once this period is expired, the user's agreement will be requested again the use of these cookies.