KENTUCKY S Art. N°: AMMI197 1/4 wave 1,1/1 +3 dBi 120 Watt P.E.P 1200 kHz 0.300 kg 750 mm Type "N" AC4 Stainless steel Share Email Copy link Facebook Linkedin Pinterest X Send to a Friend Your email address : Your name : E-mail address of your friend : Your message : Send Documents Pictures DatasheetKENTUCKY SEnglish632.30 Kbversion v1.0Open 328.75 KbDownload Transceivers MARTINRéf. TXPR218HARRISON IIRéf. TXPR668RANDY IIIRéf. TXPR611BILL IIRéf. TXPR101JIMMY IIIRéf. TXPR046JERRYRéf. TXPR612TEDDY II +Réf. TXPR376BARRY II +Réf. TXPR122TAYLOR IV CLRéf. TXPR423RONALDRéf. TXPR500WALKER IIRéf. TXPR100MC KINLEYRéf. TXPR600JOHNSON II VOXRéf. TXPR667GEORGE IIRéf. TXPR900WASHINGTONRéf. TXPR901Recommendations Transceivers / Antennas Avis client C'est vous qui en parlez le mieux Give your opinion All fields are mandatory Full name Email Your email will not be shown. It will only be used to answer you back if necessary. Title Comment Rating Captcha Send
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